LATEST UTAH Information

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First Death Reported, 45 New Cases Confirmed

Current cases: The number of confirmed cases in Utah increased Monday by 76 confirmed cases, a 30 percent increase from Sunday. New cases were in Bear River Health District (1), Davis (10), Salt Lake County (29), Southwest Utah (4), Summit (22 residents and one visitor), Tooele (1), Utah (5), Wasatch (3 resident and one visitor), and Weber-Morgan (2). You can see the cases on our new dashboard at

Maintain your space: Hundreds of people who greeted returning missionaries on Sunday night underscored a bigger problem of people gathering in groups larger than 10 and not keeping at least 6 feet away from other people. Social distancing is something everyone (including businesses) can do to limit the virus spread.

Sen. Luz Escamilla tests positive: The state senator announced her positive test Sunday. She is currently in home quarantine. Because the legislative session only ended a week before her positive result, many legislators will self-isolate. U.S. Rep. Ben McAdams has also tested positive for the virus, while both of the state’s U.S. senators, Mike Lee and Mitt Romney, are in self-isolation after U.S. Sen. Rand Paul tested positive.

Lagoon postpones opening: The amusement park had originally planned to open this weekend but pushed that back, and now plans to review its opening date weekly. They will base their decision on recommendations from health officials. Previously, the park has detailed additional measures they will be taking to limit exposure once they do open.

Resource pages:Anybody looking to help the many people and organizations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic can visit our new donation resource page for specific fundraising efforts. Business owners can also visit the updated Business Resources page, which is being developed in partnership with the Salt Lake Chamber.

State government open: Many state agencies have maintained office hours despite the pandemic and continue to serve the public, with necessary precautions to limit crowds and ensure social distancing. A full list is available here.

Curbside Utah:: A new website lists restaurants with curbside service, takeout, and delivery options.